ART corner
Welcome to the Specialists on Honeysuckle ART corner. We understand that embarking on assisted reproductive technology (ART) can feel daunting. Our aim is to make this experience as smooth as possible for you.
The Monash IVF Bendigo Clinic
Monash IVF Bendigo now offers almost all the services available in our Melbourne clinics. This means you will be able to have all your treatment here in Bendigo.
Important contact people:
Monash IVF Reception (based in Clayton and Richmond)
Petra Clements - Monash IVF Nurse
Petra will be in touch to arrange an appointment with you once Anju has developed an ART treatment plan and you have completed mandatory counselling. At this appointment, Petra will discuss your treatment plan, medications and procedures. She will also provide you with information about collecting your treatment medications. Petra works closely with Anju to coordinate your treatment and support you through your ART journey.
Specialist on Honeysuckle
Our friendly reception team and practice nurse will be able to help you with enquiries and booking appointments.
Follow up appointments
Appointments are usually scheduled after an IUI/IVF treatment and depending on the results this appointment may be onsite or via telehealth. If you have a positive pregnancy result, we will arrange a scan and follow up appointment with Anju.
The pill - how and why?
The oral contraceptive pill is taken to help time the menstrual cycle for treatment. Anju or Petra will tell you when to start the pill, and Petra will advise you when to stop prior to your ART cycle. You will only need to take the 'active' pills during this time and skip the 'sugar' pills. It is normal to have some break through spotting and bleeding while on the active pills, this will not impact your treatment.